Hi. I would like assistance on how to navigate within the system. Trying to close off payroll for the previous month and roll over to the new month of March to start processing the payments through the system. Also need assistance with linking the…
  • iisreset failed to restart

    I attempted to do an iisreset and it stopped but would not restart. this has caused problems with everyone trying to access crm.

    How can I change the code for a product I HAVE CREATED ON THE PRICES PER PRICLIST? Invalid Selection code. Code needs to be valid number. (Prices per Pricelist) i created the list with a code but the code is invalid. you can see that the code…
  • Problem with login via web-service

    Hi, I'd like to login to a web service using this PHP code: $options = array('trace' => 1); $client = new SoapClient(" http://SERVER IP/CRM/eware.dll/webservice/webservice.wsdl", $options); $login_details = array('username' => 'username','password…
  • Sales Target

    When you are looking at Actual vs Target, where does the information for the Target numbers come from? Can you set your own target, can you change your target?