Licensing: Authorisation Failed please check that your password is correct.


Trying to license my SageERP 2015 PU1 install.  I receive the following error after entering my Customer# and Serial#:

The Update server returned an error. It may be that the server is experiencing problems. Either try again later or contact support. The error was: - [[ERROR]: Authorisation Failed please check that your password is correct.].

I thought we were allowed 1 license with 2015?  I double checked my Cust# and Serial, input via keyboard not copy pasta.

  • 0
    Check that your password is correct??? Huh.

    Where exactly are you doing this? Registration of your install requires customer #, serial #, user key and product key. And I don't think it actually contacts an outside server?? No password is required.

    Or are you trying to log into the customer portal to get this information? If so, it sounds like the website is temporarily down.
  • 0 in reply to TomTarget
    Ahh ... You are trying to register Sage Intelligence aren't you?

    You will need to get the proper information on the account from the customer or partner portal. Note that the customer number will not be your current one but should be an older version of it. One way or another you should see it in your account information once you have logged into the portal.

    Assuming you have already gotten the correct information, I would say the website is down temporarily.
  • 0 in reply to TomTarget
    Ahh, I'll check the site tomorrow. Thanks for the info, will inform.

    Love the mis-spelled "Authorisation". Makes searching for the issue easy. :)
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