Old Transactions Suddenly Appearing on Daily Transaction Register


Our AP / Inventory person yesterday ran into this issue...old transactions suddenly appearing the the Daily Transaction Register.
She alerted me of the issue and I have searched here and KB but not finding any answers:

Also odd that the 10-31-22 transaction is one-sided and 0.

As you can see from the above screenshots, I searched for those transactions in those accounts and they don't exist, so apparently they did not get posted in 2022.
Have rebuilt sort files for all modules and re-indexed files for GL.

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    This happens occasionally, where the module update is completed, but the DTR is not posted.  We recommend running the DTR from the GL module as part of the monthly period end reconciliations, to catch things like this in a timely manner.

    You have no choice.  Run the update.

  • 0

    This happens occasionally, where the module update is completed, but the DTR is not posted.  We recommend running the DTR from the GL module as part of the monthly period end reconciliations, to catch things like this in a timely manner.

    You have no choice.  Run the update.
