Sage 300 v2023 web screen login returns UNDEFINED error

I have installed Sage 300 v2023.1 in a cloud server. Login using localhost/sage300 works fine. However, when I try to login using public domain name, the login screen appears but gives an error "Undefined" upon entering the user ID and password. 
Any suggestions will be much appreciated.

  • Hi  in version 2023 this error specifically means the external name your using to reach the Sage server differs from the server name in your SSL certificate.  In version 2024 the error was changed to a proper message referring to a mismatched SSL certificate.

    If you own a wildcard certificate for a company domain, just create a subdomain A record like sage300.<yourdomain>.<yourTLD> and apply the <yourdomain> wildard certificate to IIS on your Sage 300 server, opening up port 443 through to that server.  If 443 isn't available you can use any other port.  If you don't own a certificate remember you can use the inexpensive "Certify The Web" service to create and automatically install an SSL that exactly meets your subdomain, though you will need to forward or redirect Port 80 and to your server to allow it to generate the SSL.  If this is all an internal network then I recommend creating the subdomain and apply the relevant SSL certificate but use DNS forwarding rules in your environment to ensure your external name points to your internal server so that again the SSL server name matches the name used to hit the server.

    I know this is all a bit annoying but its a huge improvement to the website by reducing the chance of Phising.

    Finally if this server is 100% accessed internally and securely via VPN then for now remove the 443 binding and go back to port 80 allowing uses to access the site over http, but this is strictly against advice in the user guide.  The guide  is referring to is an excellent one.

    For an example check out our demo Sage 300 site that just uses an A record as suggested above.

    Let me know if you require further advice.



  • 0 in reply to Accsys Consulting AU

    Thank you. We'll look into your suggestions. We realised that db server firewall blocked access to the sage databases. We made a rule to open the port and the UNDEFINED problem went away. 

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