Credit Card info xxx'd out


A customer came in to purchase some items and we have their credit card info stored in Sage.  Usually, I click on their name on the invoice, then click on the payment and credit tab.  On that tab I can select view/edit credit card details.  Typically, I am able to see all the credit card numbers.  Today when I do that is see xxxxx's and the last 4 digits of the credit card number.  Does anyone know how to fix this? I do know my boss has not updated to the latest version of Sage.  Could that be the problem? 

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    verified answer

    It is not a Sage update issue. This happened due to a Paya update. They will NOT do anything to fix it since it is a security feature. No matter how much I tried to get them to understand I need the first number visible so I can know which type of card it is (MC, V, etc), they will not budge on it even though it does not inhibit the security they have put in place. So we are stuck with a mess of hundreds of stored cards and no way to know what type it is. Best I can suggest is contact Paya and complain. Hopefully they get enough complaints that they will make the first number visible.