Inactivate old credit cards

Is there a way to inactivate old Credit Cards?  I was able to inactivate the sub-account, but the old credit card still shows up in the list (when entering Credit Card receipts).

The only option i have is to Delete the card, but it won't allow that either (says it was used this year, when it definitely was not).  We don't archive data, so it has been used in years past though.


  • 1 General Ledger  >   7General Ledger Accounts  

    Use the gray DOWN Arrow beside the search box to get to the account you are looking for (can sort via alpha or numeric, etc.)

    Options >  Edit Inactive Settings > Check box next to account name to make inactive

  • 1 General Ledger  >   7General Ledger Accounts  

    Use the gray DOWN Arrow beside the search box to get to the account you are looking for (can sort via alpha or numeric, etc.)

    Options >  Edit Inactive Settings > Check box next to account name to make inactive
