After you final compute payroll, does it matter what order you do the rest (Creating Direct Deposit File, Posting Payroll to GL & Emailing Deposit Notices)?


I was told in training that I had to email deposit notices first, then create a NACHA file through the Direct Deposit File Manager, then post payroll to GL. They seemed very adamant it had to be done in that order but reading through Sage help and trying it out with a test check it seems like it is no problem to create a DD file, post payroll to GL and then email deposit notices at the end. I would prefer not to email deposit notices two days before they get paid although I don't want to screw it all up and have to redo the whole payroll.

Also, bonus points - if I change a job number for a computed payroll it says it will remove any phases used in the original timecard details. Are you still able to add that time to a phase under the job you changed it to?

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    We do everything (EXCEPT email the pay stubs ) in advance and then email stubs on payday (use the reprint feature on 5-2-4). After final computing, you should create the NACHA file in DDF mgr, then upload it to the bank, then post the PR so all of your reports and G/L, JC are updated and agree when PR is done calculating. 

    Warning - if you forget to post payroll, then another week's checks get computed, they will all post together as one check date, which is not always good for reconciling data.

    I haven't tried changing job after computed so I can't answer that.

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    We do everything (EXCEPT email the pay stubs ) in advance and then email stubs on payday (use the reprint feature on 5-2-4). After final computing, you should create the NACHA file in DDF mgr, then upload it to the bank, then post the PR so all of your reports and G/L, JC are updated and agree when PR is done calculating. 

    Warning - if you forget to post payroll, then another week's checks get computed, they will all post together as one check date, which is not always good for reconciling data.

    I haven't tried changing job after computed so I can't answer that.

  • 0 in reply to Kathy Reynolds

    This is how we do our processing as well.  When we make an error in our payroll, we do a Journal Entry with an equal negative and positive so that we can remove from the wrong job and add to the right job.  Additionally, you can put in a suggestion to "schedule" emails.  It is VERY inconvenient and inefficient to have to go back into the system at the right time and right day to send out paystubs, but, that is how we do it as well.