Daily Payroll - Autofill Pay Rate


I have a clerk who uses Daily Payroll to enter hours for field employees.  I have the pay rate field hidden from the clerk.

In my 5-2-2 Options screen, I have the "auto fill pay rate" option checked.  When I import the Daily Payroll to the Payroll Records, those records come in with the pay rate fields blank.  Apparently I still have to go in and manually enter the rates for these employees?

Am I using the intended workflow properly?

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    verified answer
    Happy New Year Richie
    It appears this feature is used in the 5-2-2 window when the user cannot "view" restricted data and not necessarily in conjunction with importing daily payroll. If the user with restricted access only uses daily payroll, then yes the other user with full access who "finishes" processing the payroll will have to at least click in the pay rate fields to complete them.
    I recommend putting in an enhancement suggestion to expand the capabilities of this feature.