PR Employee Changed Address


I have an employee that moved from one state to another and forgot to tell us.  We have only processed 1 payroll for this year under the wrong state and i would like to some how "reverse" out the State taxes from that state and put them into the correct state.

I thought I could just do a negative in the wrong state and a positive in the correct state and all would be good.  But....In the payroll master file for the employee, there is a state tax that has all their wages and subject to info.  Do I need to just manually adjust that info and keep an audit trail of it?  Or is there some other way of taking care of it? 

I would like to get it taken care of before I have to send in my end of the month state withholding deposits.

Thank you in advance.


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    I would think you'd need to VOID the check from last payroll and re-enter it with the new state info.  Hopefully the net amount remains the same and has no effect on the employee.  If the net did change, you'd need to include a MISC deduction or pay to get the new check to match the old check, and then reverse that out with another check for that difference.  I just went through this with Sage support.

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    I would think you'd need to VOID the check from last payroll and re-enter it with the new state info.  Hopefully the net amount remains the same and has no effect on the employee.  If the net did change, you'd need to include a MISC deduction or pay to get the new check to match the old check, and then reverse that out with another check for that difference.  I just went through this with Sage support.
