• Tax in Resident State when working in state with no income tax

    We have several employees who live in Alabama and Georgia but work in Florida or Texas. How can we get Sage to tax an employee in their resident state when they work in a state that has no state income taxes. (Without manually adjusting the state in enter…
  • Ohio Withholding - Starting July 1, 2024

    Will there be a tax update coming for the Ohio Withholding changes effective July 1, 2024? Employer Withholding Tables | Department of Taxation (ohio.gov)
  • Vermont Child Care Contribution Tax effective 7/01/2024

    Regarding the Vermont Child Care Contribution Tax that becomes effective 7/01/2024, can someone tell me what the Tax Type and Tax ID(s) will be for these taxes (if Sage intends to provide an update for these taxes). We use Employee Tax Reciprocity to…
  • Vermont Child Care Contribution Tax 07/01/2024

    Hello! Vermont is enacting a new Child Care Contribution tax on July 1, 2024 which may be paid by the employer only or by both the employer and employee. It is subject to the wages for work performed in Vermont only. We have employees working in Vermont…
  • Total Hours with Holiday Formula

    I was curious if anyone had created a formula to calculate total hours worked with Holiday included in it for calculating union deductions/fringes. Below is what I was thinking should work but want to make sure my thought process is correct. IF(Pay…
  • Subcontractor Retainage

    Is there a process to set up a Subcontractor Retainage percentage by project? We import vendor invoices via hh2 and would like to have retainage percentage automatically updated in Sage for that vendor (subcontractor) on that project. Read a bit about…
  • 941 Report - use Period End Date or Check Date?

    What is the difference between running a payroll report by period end date and running it by check date?
  • Minnesota Filing Status

    We have an employee that is located in Minnesota and has a federal filing status of Head of Household. We are getting an error message that they have an invalid filing status. Minnesota does recognize the Head of Household filing status and requires that…
  • Change orders to Billing

    Is there a way to get my change orders to show up on a separate line in contract based billing? When i enter our totals in the billing module i would like to have the change orders listed separately.
  • Setting up PA locals in Sage 300

    I went to the knowledge base to see how to set up the PA locals and I thought I did it correctly and now I am not so sure. This is our first-time having work in PA and it is very confusing. Anyone a pro at PA local's setups? I set up the resident local…
  • Fully Exempt Employee - Payroll Setup

    I have an employee who wants absolutely no taxes taken out of their payroll check. (Federal and Wisconsin) Can someone please let me know what I need to do on the employee setup to get to this result? I put '0' in the Exemptions box but he's still getting…
  • How do I set up discount payment terms for A/R invoice?

    Hello, Is there a way to set up automatic discount when customer pays early in A/R base on payment terms? Thanks. Trang
  • Out of State FWH PR Taxes

    We are located in Florida, and this is where our employees work, however, we have a few employees that their residence is in GA and they have to pay State Tax. We use a third party for processing checks and then import to sage, I need their checks to…
  • 401 K EE Contributions in both % & flat amounts

    Our company has set up a new 401K Safe Harbor Plan. They contribute 3% regardless of employee contribution. Employees are allowed to choose a flat rate per check or a percentage per gross pay. Do I need to set up two different Deducts with one being for…
  • Tax setup to tax only after specified amount

    Hello! We need to setup a tax for Nevada Modified Business Tax which only imposes 1.378% after the tax exemption of $50,000 (after deductions) per quarter. How would we setup a payroll tax to only expense this business tax after our (total) employees…
  • Roth IRA Payroll Deduction

    Hi - Has anyone set up a payroll deduction for a Roth IRA? I am trying to see how to set up the deduction to be based on their gross pay after taxes. Thank you!
  • Use W-4 Amounts

    I have an employee who thinks not enough is getting taken out for Federal Withholding . Right now he has Filing Status of Married, 0 exemptions. I have the 'Use W-4' box checked because that is what I was always told to do. I tested a payroll run and…
  • 1099 with Reimbursement Expenses

    If I have a vendor that gets paid both for services and gets reimbursed for travel, is there a way to separate these expenses without having to manually correct the 1099 total? Same with rents when they include CAM expense.
  • Accrual for Work In Process

    We use Sage 300 for a homebuilding company. When the home is sold and closed to the buyer, we need to accrue for the cost of the job for invoices that haven't been received based on our budgets. Many of the invoices come in months later, so we need to…
  • withholding Local taxes

    I am in Illinois and I have an employee that lives in Indiana, but works for us in Illinois most of the time, so he is set up in our Payroll that his wages get applied to IL but when is is not coded to the Indiana job we have his set up is still taking…
  • NYS PFL New Tax Deduction Setup

    The NYS Paid Family Leave tax that was setup with this last update is not calculating properly. It does not factor in the cut off for the allowable weekly limit. The max allowable weekly earnings of $1,718.15..or $6.40 per week for a contribution in total…
  • Weekly Wage Withholding

    I have an employee where I now have to withhold 20% of their weekly gross payroll checks for the state. We have a Garnishment deduction set up, but I'm not sure how to use it, as I won't know the amount to withhold until I run their payroll check. Does…
  • Medicare employer withholding

    My medicare employer withholding is off for the total from yearly deposit summary against the W2s. How do I fix that?
  • 2024 Federal WH Not Calculating Correctly

    It appears federal withholding is not calculating correctly. Withholding amounts on salaried employees have increased substantially from last Friday (2023 pay date) to today (2024 pay date). If anything, withholding amounts should have slightly decreased…

    We have an employee that is a resident of a No State taxes, but paid out of a state where there are state taxes. Not sure how to setup Sage 300 CRE payroll system to have not withhold any state tax. I am not able to find anywhere how the residence state…