Cannot create new clients in Timeslips; Firebird database has encountered an error (335544665)


Does anyone know why I cannot create a new client?  When I try to save it, i get this message...

I am connecting to my office computer remotely but have never received this error.

  • 0

    Any chance you are trying to save a Client with either a Nickname1 or Nickname2 that has been used before? Perhaps on a Closed or InActive Client?

    Nancy Duhon, Esq.
    Duhon Technology Solutions, LLC
    Master Certified Consultant for Sage Timeslips
    Providing individual Consultations and Third Party Remote Desktop Support - including older/unsupported versions.

  • 0

    Any chance you are trying to save a Client with either a Nickname1 or Nickname2 that has been used before? Perhaps on a Closed or InActive Client?

    Nancy Duhon, Esq.
    Duhon Technology Solutions, LLC
    Master Certified Consultant for Sage Timeslips
    Providing individual Consultations and Third Party Remote Desktop Support - including older/unsupported versions.
