Deposit Slip Number


We enter our operating and escrow deposits into timeslips premium. My boss would like the deposit slip number to revert back to 1 at the beginning of the year. I sent to setup - bank accounts and was able to change the number back to #1. But when I created a deposit slip - it uses the next # from the last deposit number. Can this be fixed to stay at #1?

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    verified answer

    Hi Lori,

    First, you don't mention which version of Timeslips you are using, but your screenshots indicate it is not a current version.  You will want to get it updated if you are using Timeslips Premium.

    To your point, I understand your request but want to point out a flaw in the boss's logic.  If you have a yearly deposit ticket #1, Timeslips will be adding the receipts to the same ticket that was used in 2022, 2021, 2020, etc.  It is the same logic as saying that you want your checkbook to start over with check number 1001 every year.  Bottom line, it's probably not a good idea.

    As a suggestion, you may want to start the deposit ticket annually using numbers like 24001 for the first ticket in 2024, 25001 for the first ticket in 2025, etc.  This way you aren't adding receipts to a ticket that has receipts from prior years and allow them to stay separate yet reviewable when necessary.

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    Thank you so much for the help! That should work with using 24001 going forward. I do have another question, if a deposit slip was created in timeslips but no info was added, is there a way to delete it?