• Can't set Rate Level of a slip with TSImport

    TSImport is successfully importing slips into the database, but it's not defaulting to Rate Level 1. I have the field in my template and it's mapped - the import doesn't fail, but no matter what I have in Rate Level field it defaults to rate level "1…
  • TSIMPORT - Question Regarding which field links to Expense drop-down field

    If you['re on a new slip and you click on Expense type, then under that there's a drop-down for Expense, what is the name of that field in TSImport that links to that field? I created the "Time and Expense Slips" template in TSImport.
  • TSImport Client Information Failing

    I'm trying to use TSImport to add some new client/matters to Timeslips. I've got all the fields mapped and I can see the data. However, when I try to import it fails with no explanation. I'm wondering if there are some 'have to' fields Timeslips needs…
  • TS Import Client Rate Override

    We have been using a template for the TS import process in TS 2011 which worked without issue regardless of where the timekeeper rate was pulled from the timekeeper or client. We just migrated to TS 2017 and the "no rate" message appears on all slips…
  • TSImport: Slips are going to wrong case name

    Our firm's file naming convention is set up as XXX.NNN (i.e. BEL.100). On some occasions, I have had to re-create files so I name would rename the "bad" file as BEL.100CLOSED and then re-create a new file named BEL.100. I would then re-classify the one…