Manufacturing and subcontracting BOMs


Hi all,

We're just beginning to use subcontracting BOMs, and I'm actually having trouble working out why they exist. Aside from the negligible benefit of transferring raw materials supplied by us to a subcontracting location, I can't see any benefit to using these instead of a manufacturing BOM with subcontracted routing operations. They are more limited because, for example, we can't enter a reference price for a generic subcontracting operation, therefore we need to set up separate products for every variation of that operation and have them included in a purchase price list.

Any thoughts?



  • 0
    verified answer
    The main benefit is you can handle subcontracting without having to purchase manufacturing badge. When using the manufacturing module, I favor the subcontracting solution with a work order except when facing inter-company subcontracting. This case is only supported by the subcontract order in the purchase module.
  • 0
    verified answer
    The main benefit is you can handle subcontracting without having to purchase manufacturing badge. When using the manufacturing module, I favor the subcontracting solution with a work order except when facing inter-company subcontracting. This case is only supported by the subcontract order in the purchase module.