Filter Left List Using FILTERSUP and array



Could someone point me in the right direction. I need to filter the left list for the product master based on the users fictional profile site access.

I am using the CLE_GAUCHE action and FUTERSUP. Using one condition is not a problem but I would like to filter via a list e.g.


I am using Sage X3 V7U9

  • 0


    Instead of using code, you could use the standard feature of Site grouping in Functional Authorization .

    For example in below screen shot Profile TESTB has access to GESSOH( Sales order ) and can only see site NA010.

  • 0 in reply to Esfahani
    Hi Ali,

    Thank you for your fast response!

    I have tried that but the product master doesn't get controlled by site, the products are not linked to site. If there is a way that it can be that would be fantastic?

    In the meantime I have written the following code


    If GUSER <> "ADMIN"

    FILTSUP = "find (CCE(0),GUSRFCY(1..100))<>0 & CCE(0) <>''"

  • 0 in reply to Duane Chemaly
    Have you tried setting up Row Level Permissions to limit the view in the Product Master left list? I am not sure which field(s) you want to filter under (it looks like dimension values to me), but we did this by Product Category. I set up a Row Level Permission and tied it to TCLCOD (the product category) and when we set up users, we grant their row level permission by Product Category. This is slightly more setup than what I believe you are trying to accomplish, but just wanted to offer up the idea.
  • 0 in reply to Duane Chemaly
    Have you tried setting up Row Level Permissions to limit the view in the Product Master left list? I am not sure which field(s) you want to filter under (it looks like dimension values to me), but we did this by Product Category. I set up a Row Level Permission and tied it to TCLCOD (the product category) and when we set up users, we grant their row level permission by Product Category. This is slightly more setup than what I believe you are trying to accomplish, but just wanted to offer up the idea.