Limiting access to modifying a field on a screen

We want the ability to limit a user or ideally a groups ability to modify only on field on the BPCUSTOMER screen BPC0. With functional authorizations I can limit whether or not someone can create, modify, etc, but I cannot limit that to only one field on the screen. Does anyone know of a way to make it so that a user does not have access to change just that one field? I have tried using an access code on the field and did not have much luck with that either.

  • 0
    Access codes work. You need to assign an access code to the fields and then assign the proper permissions for that access code either in the user record or function profile record. You'll need to validate the screen if you assign the access code on the screen.
  • 0 in reply to Israel Braunfeld
    Hi Israel,

    It looks like that allows us to keep someone from modifying that field, but it does also prevent them from being able to assign a value in that field with the original setup of the customer. The field we're trying to disallow modification for is the customer category, which we will want set up when the customer is created (it's a mandatory field). The access code appears to block them from being able to set it up in the first place, it also looks like it keeps the values from populating at all. Any ideas?

  • 0 in reply to Heather Arnold
    So your question is different, you want to allow them to modify the field upon creation but not when modifying the record. For that I believe you’ll need to do write some custom code.
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