How to add multiline text in classes and representations?



How do I add multi-line text in classes and representations?

I used to do this in the screen field (graphic object multi-line)

Best Regards

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  • 0 in reply to Esfahani

    Hi, Esfahani.

    Maybe you can help me.

    I need to call a X3 representation throught a post API method. Or Put, in modification proccess.

    In this representation i have an ACRTF exposed property. I followed the article of the online help to add a clob text to a representation. I made test in a sceen and it works well.

    But when I call to the API using postman, if i entered only the parameter for the clob property, i'm having an incorrect format error. This is an example:

    But if i entered other parameter, it sends the petition to X3, but in the TRT file of the class (_CSPE), the property hasn't the value of the parameter.

    Do you know how can I send the data for an ACRTF exposed property throught an API call?

    Many tanks,
