Input Data not saved to database

Hey I created a field to a table and applied the field to a screen. When I press save, the inputted data from the new field is not being saved to the database. Can somebody tell me the process of creating a brand new field and how to make whatever people enter savable to the database?

  • 0


    Typically, if the new field you have added, is added to the primary table of the object, no coding is needed to handle the CRUD operations.

    Also starting with V7, certain line tables fields also do not require coding for the CRUD operations.

    Depends on the context, most likely you would need to write some code, to handle the operations.

    I suggest you look at some examples in standard code on how it's done.


  • 0 in reply to Esfahani

    I added one field to the bpc0 screen and the subsequent bpcustomer table and it is being saved without any coding. 
    Now im trying to add a field to the BPABPC screenand entered in the bpaddress table which is the relevant table but it isnt being saved. Could you please tell what should be done and provide any example of standard code if needed to achieve this.