Fiscal year closing - TBCCE1(10000) error


When I trying to close fiscal year I got error TBCCE1(10000) incorrect index. This value - in squares - is the same as activity code VTP (VTP=10000). 

Are there limits of VTP size? Or maybe there is some other set of values of VTP, VTL and GAS activity codes?

  • 0

    This becomes more complex as expected - I increased VTP to 30 000! And it is still not enough! This time error pointed to TBAMT(30000).

  • 0 in reply to Girts Mazais

    Note that this activity code VTL needs to keep compliance with VTP one and also with MAXVANA parameter value.

    VTL = number of analytical distribution by account line

    VTP = number of analytical distribution by account entry

    MAXVANA (TC>CPT>MAXVANA) = max number of analytical distributions You need to keep the proportions below:


    VTP = 3 x VTL


    If you upgrade VTL to 500, you have also to upgrade MAXVANA to 500, and VTP to 1500. Then you have to run a dictionary validation (VALDICO) for each activity code (VTP and VTL) to apply the new value on all X3 elements.

  • 0 in reply to Girts Mazais

    Note that this activity code VTL needs to keep compliance with VTP one and also with MAXVANA parameter value.

    VTL = number of analytical distribution by account line

    VTP = number of analytical distribution by account entry

    MAXVANA (TC>CPT>MAXVANA) = max number of analytical distributions You need to keep the proportions below:


    VTP = 3 x VTL


    If you upgrade VTL to 500, you have also to upgrade MAXVANA to 500, and VTP to 1500. Then you have to run a dictionary validation (VALDICO) for each activity code (VTP and VTL) to apply the new value on all X3 elements.
