How to download and install Apache 2.4 for EM V12 (How to Guide) does not provide pre-compiled binaries for any platform after 2.2.25 version.


For Windows:

You can download that on or


You can use distributions from Apachelounge at

Take the 64-bit version and don’t forget to install the C++ Redistribuable Visual Studio 2017 before starting Apache.


There is no MSI, so you unzip, put the unzipped “Apache24” somewhere (default location is C:\Apache24 but you can change).

After that you may have to edit the httpd.conf :

  • If you don’t use the default C:\Apache24 location
  • If you want your Apache to listen to a different port that 80 (to free 80 for Syracuse if hosted in same VM)


After that you have to create the Apache2.4 service by running httpd -k install from the bin directory.


On Linux:

  • Intall the httpd package yum install httpd
  • Configure the httpd.conf file
  • Enable the service through systemctl
  • Start the service through systemctl