
Sales Rep User Access

Posted By FormerMember


I am looking to restrict a user, who is a sales representative, to only be able to generate quotes and sales orders for BP's where their Rep Code is associated. We have added a Row Level Permission which has filtered the Left List and does not allow the user to generate a Sales Quote or Sales Order for a BP other than those linked to them on their code. They are however allowed to select other customers and get their pricing even though the quote does not generate.

How can we stop them selecting other customers and seeing their pricing?

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    Hi Richard Stott,

    You may want to try limiting access with an access code. if you apply an access code the function(s) and/or process(es) you do not want the REP to have access to (and not give him the access code) then it should restrict his access to those function(s) and/or process(es).

    KBID 31365 has a high overview on how access codes work for user profiles. You can find this in our Sage Knowledgebase.

    If you want a full overview on how the administer and maintain user profiles and access; we have courses on our sage university that are strictly for System Administration. search for SBCEM - Enterprise Management - System Administrator and SBCEM - Enterprise Management - Common Tools