Setup a bottling deposit / surcharge

I am trying to set up a .10 cent bottling surcharge / deposit that would be valid only when certain identified products are sold to customers within certain provinces of Canada. This deposit must be non-taxable (although the price of the bottled product itself will be taxable).  it must also be multiplied on the SOH by the ordered qty.   Example :   Product XYZ has a unit price of 10.00 + tx.  The bottling surcharge is .10 cents.

If a customer in a certain sprovince where the bottling deposit is applicable orders 2 of these bottles, the amount exc. tax would be 20.20$.  The total amount would be :  (20.00$ + tx) +0.20$

Due to the fact that this requirement is product and region specific, i was trying to set it up using the 'deposit" line within price structures, and creating a price list setup based on ITMREF AND SAT (subdivision which is our case is used as province). However, even though I have checkmarked that the surcharge should be "price/qty = yes" it is not multiplying the amount of the deposit (0.10$) by the ordered qty, nor is the deposit appearing in the total.

Has anyone been using a different way to configure this type of deposit ?  I have seen someone post that they set it up as a tax, but i am not entirely positive it would hit the same accounts. 

Please let me know what has worked for you