Sage X3 Application Server Configuration Error (Complex Password Policy Domain)


Sage X3 SQL User creation error


We are having an issue with Sage X3 V12 PU15 installation where the client has complex password policy on their windows domain.

The challenge we are having is that SQL is inheriting these policies and we are getting “User creation” during application server configuration in Safe X3 console.

The password requirement is that passwords must be 14 characters long and during configuration it tries to create users X3 which we know has a 5 character password.

There is no way for us intervene in the automatic creation of passwords for Sage X3 and this is where our installation is failing.

We asked the client IT to relax their policy to allow us to install but they mentioned this will affected their whole domain and is not a favorable way to go.

They have advised that we must find ways for SQL not to inherit windows policy.

We haven’t managed to achieve this.

How should we be able to proceed.


  • Is there a way of excluding a user or server from domain policy?
  • Is there a way for SQL not to inherit windows security policy
  • Is there a way to influence the passwords for the automatically created sql users to meet the policy. Even saw that on the console for user sa which we can enter manually console does not take more than 10 charcters (that was my observation can you confirm)



The error manifests itself as follows on the console application configuration





 Has anyone else had this issue , really appreciate your suggestions.

Thanks in advance

  • +1
    verified answer

    in V12 you can now specify the folder user, this will replace the 5 char password.

    You will probably find though that the create user batch file it runs still has the password policy option as off, you can however create your own create user batch file. 

    The batch file it runs is in this directory 


    and if you create a copy of the adcrapss7_std.bat one and name it


    then it will run your version instead, I have done this before where it was NOT possible to turn off the password policy and everything else works fine.

    You will need to remove the CHECK_POLICY part of the batch file on lines 61 and 63