User Destination and Access fields in Setup User


New to Sage X3 and wondering what the fields in the Setup User General screen "User Destinations" and "Access" refer to and how they are used.  

Do these override other profile information for user in Sage?  Any help would be greatly appreciated!  

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    verified answer


    User Destinations :

    This is a way to copy Default Destinations from another user.

    For instance, if you have defined Excel destination for user A and that on your user B you type in User Destination = A, then the Default Destinations Excel from user A will be copied into User B.

    Access :

    This field provides the possibility to restrict the management of this specific user.

    This can be interresting if you want to distinguish group of end users. Each group having its own Super User managing user rights.

    Let us take an example : You have in your organization 2 group of users Operations and Finance and each group has its own Super User.

    For end users belonging to the Finance group you will setup an Access Code [UsrFin] that you will type in your Access Field.

    Finally, for your Super User managing the Finance User group, you will give him access to [UsrFin].

    1. Creation of Access Codes

    2. Linking Access Code to End User

    3. Providing access to Super User to manage End User Group