
We increased TSICOD dimension from 3 to 5 and changing the codes.

We would like to populate the new TSICODs into past orders. ITMMASTER -> PORDERP / SORDERP etc

In Update Transaction, I don't understand how to choose the dimension.

I get only TSICOD field without () or indice =.

Thank you in advance,

  • 0


    I am guessing you are trying to select the index using the selection (magnifying glass). Just like you mentioned, it will not show that option. You have to manually type the index like TSICOD(3) and in the formula use [F:ITM]TSICOD(3). 

    By the way, if you have some products that do not have TSICODs and/or you do not want to update records that already have data, I suggest adding the following conditions: [F:POP*]TSICOD(3)='' and [F:ITM]TSICOD(3)<>''

  • 0 in reply to RobertoMSNascimento

    Dear Roberto,

    Thanks. I already tried to enter TSICOD(3) and TSICOD3. I get an error message. I cannot modify manually the field name.

    It allow me only to put TSICOD without indice.

    I didn’t test to put : TSICOD =formula [F:ITM]TSICOD(X) line by line. From memory, only TSICOD as it is, will impact the (0). 

    I am wondering about Parameter screen part : with ADI type, maybe can indicate an indice. I never used Parameter. I am not sure it is appropriate.

    I am wondering also if ADI type might play with 2 tables to make the link : ITMMASTER + Tables with Tsicod list. I would not know how to do the jointure.

    I am not IT. Just a sales guy.

    If any idea, thank you in advance,

  • +1 in reply to Saq-1
    verified answer


    I just did a quick test and I had no problem. Just a little mistake on my part, I mentioned [F:POQ] but like you said the table is PORDERP not PORDERQ.

    Anyway, just to make sure, what you want is to update the column TSICOD (index 3 & 4) of every record in PORDERP with the new value in ITMMASTER right?

    Try to follow these steps:
    1. Go to function GESAMI
    2. Select as the "main" table the document details (PORDERP or SORDERP, the next steps are assuming PORDERP)
    3. Select ITMMASTER as the linked/secondary table. It should suggest the join automatically, like [F:POP]ITMREF 
    4. In the selection/criteria formula you can put:
    ([F:ITM]TSICOD(3)<>'' AND [F:POP]TSICOD(3)='') OR ([F:ITM]TSICOD(4)<>'' AND [F:POP]TSICOD(4)='')
    Meaning: Records where the product has a value in TSICOD(3) but the order line does not
    5. In the fields to update, select the table PORDERP, "update", Field TSICOD(3) and in the formula [F:ITM]TSICOD(3) -> You can add another line for TSICOD(4)

    If the tables PORDERP/SORDERP are not very big, you can do an SVG to backup the data before actually updating the records when people are not using the system while you backup and update the data.