Nice if 'PAC complete' could be on a line by line rule basis - believe would be much more versatile allocation and issue setup

'Pac complete' as an overall function does not allow smaller units to break into larger units when needed for picking. Those smaller units need to be made manually available (or already available). Our orders need to be shipped in cases and pallets. Pallets are preferred when possible so we want to utilize 'Pac complete' function so that system is not directing our pickers to combine partial pallets together for shipment or picking from a partial and a full pallet to make 1 full pallet. The problem with the function currently is - when a customer orders on a case level (less then a pallet) the system will not allocate to the order if those case units have not already been made available because 'PAC complete' overrides the ability of a case to be picked from a pallet.

We do not want to constantly manually make units in order for this to work as it seems is currently the case. We also do not want to have to lock have our our stock in case units and the other half in pallet units.

I've tried many different settings with the allocations rules and researched many different methods but cannot find a working solution.

I believe if 'PAC complete' could be used on a line by line allocation/issue basis it would be a much more versatile system.