query not allowing view of page 2


I have run a query, i can see that it has returned 174 lines. no matter what i view, it will only show me 100. besides that, on the page there is no way to go to page 2, and when i download it to excel, it only downloads what is on page 1, and not the entire query.

Why would that occur?

  • +1
    verified answer

    Hi!  To see the next pages of your query you need to click through the arrows (as highlighted below) - this is V11.  I would imagine that V12 has a similar set of arrows or "next"/ "last" options.  Depending on how you are exporting the data, you may only get the currently viewed data.  I use the export in the right hand column and am able to see all of the data in single file.

    Hope this helps!

  • 0 in reply to lisaz

    Thank you, some other screens have the next or last option, and that was what I was looking for. LOL

    Good to know about the export function. I was using the one below. Its not intuitive to know that one only exports the page and the other the entire report.....

    Thanks so much again!

  • +1 in reply to Triangle
    verified answer

    Don't feel bad about the arrows... I learned about that after spending about an hour on the phone with Sage tech support trying to figure out how to see the next page!   Trial and error on the export function.  Not always intuitive!

  • 0 in reply to lisaz


    I did just post another question regarding another query i was running. its supposed to be for all customers, and it only returns results on CAD customers. Would you know why that happens?

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