SAGE X3 Hide unneeded landing pages


In SAGE X3 V12 it seems that we have double all of the landing pages, so as an example we have an A/R Manager landing page and a NA A/R Manager landing page that is the same.  I want to remove or hide the unneeded pages to clean up the user interface for our users but can't seem to figure out how to do this.  I found the landing pages under All >Administration>Authoring>Pages, but it does not seem to allow me to deactivate the unneeded pages.  I know these can be hidden by security, but as our system admin, I don't want to see the extra pages either and can't seem to remove system admin even from these pages.  Thank you for your help.

  • 0

    Hello Jon. The User Role determines the landing pages to display. You can create your own user roles, which in turn can be linked to new user groups, which are linked to your user accounts.

  • 0 in reply to GerkoT3T

    Yeah, I guess this works for non-admin users.  However, as a super admin I can't remove my super administrator group from the dashboards I want to hide and it just makes my screen really cluttered on login.  Any suggestions?  Here is the error:

    Forbidden: The relation between landingPage 'NA A/P accounting manager' and role 'Super administrator' cannot be unlinked because it is protected by SAGE

  • 0 in reply to GerkoT3T

    Yeah, I guess this works for non-admin users.  However, as a super admin I can't remove my super administrator group from the dashboards I want to hide and it just makes my screen really cluttered on login.  Any suggestions?  Here is the error:

    Forbidden: The relation between landingPage 'NA A/P accounting manager' and role 'Super administrator' cannot be unlinked because it is protected by SAGE

  • 0 in reply to Jon S.

    Hello Jon. Sage won't allow you change the admin user's configuration as the user always will be the master account. You will have to create a new super user with a new role to get your custom appearance.

  • 0 in reply to Jon S.

    Hi John,

    You can get around this using Robo 3T to edit the Super admin Group document and removing the unwanted pages. Unfortunately, I believe the admin Group document in MongoDB is probably updated whenever a new version of Syracuse is installed.

    I've never tested this because we create a new Group/Role for admins to use the ERPDEV badge. 

    If you have a test environment you could test this by modifying the MongoDB doc, confirming you can still access X3 without issue, then re-install the same version of Syracuse back onto the test environment (using Modify existing installation).

    If the landing pages come back you know Syracuse install updates the Group.

    If the landing pages stay gone, you know the solution creation is what updates the Group and you should be golden.

    Of course, do a mongodump prior to any editing in MongoDB and, of course, Sage does not warrant or recommend manually editing MongoDB documents.

