Refresh landing page


Hi Everyone! Wish you all an great 2021!

I'm new to SAGE X3.

How can I refresh a query on "landing page"?

I've tried with parameters "portview" and "frequency" but no success. 

Am I using the parameters correctly?

Thank you, for your help.

Best regards,


Parents Reply
  • 0 in reply to Mike Shaw

    Hi Mike, Thank you for your documentation. I am trying to tailor the landing page query result based on the user. I created a requestor that has criteria like "[F:POH]BUY=GUSER" so the each buyer only sees the PO that are relevant to them. This works on the requester result. However, when I put it on the landing page, the result become blank as if the the system doesn't see GUSER variable. Do you know any other way to accomplish this?

    Thank you!
