Link to a read-only page (representation) on a Visual Process

We'd like to put the read-only pages on visual processes so that we can limit the number of locks generated on objects like customers and sales orders.

The process is reasonably straight-forward - set the link type to URL and copy and paste the relevant link from the read-only page into the visual process.

This works well EXCEPT that it contains a reference to the endpoint. This means that even if the user switches endpoints, they will keep going back to the endpoint the link was originally copied from.

The VP editor does not allow one to use the {baseUrl} variable either as it does not recognise it as a valid URL. 

I exported the the VP and edited the JSON file to replace the URL with {baseUrl}/BPCUSTOMER?representation=BPCUSTOMER.$query.  This did not work either as it did not result in a valid URL.  I tried various versions of {baseUrl}/sdata/x3/erp/{endpointname}/BPCUSTOMER?representation=BPCUSTOMER.$query hoping for an undocumented variable that will provide the current endpoint but to no avail.

Any thoughts?