Purchase Receipt - Multiple lines same Lot for Barcoding



I want to receive a purchase order scanning the barcode of each box even if they have the same LOT and product code.

Exemple : I receive 4 boxes of a product Code A with same lot #  and different quantity (Receive by box scanning) 

Want to have 4 lines : (One per barcode scanned / per box) and will calculate total stock received by Product /LOT

Line 1 : Product Code A / Lot # 123456 / Qty = 10

Line 2 : Product Code B / Lot # 123456 / Qty = 10

Line 3 : Product Code B / Lot # 123456 / Qty = 10

Line 3 : Product Code B / Lot # 123456 / Qty = 7

But I have an application error message that does not allow to use the Full entry receipt "Enter detailed quantities''

Have someone try to receive by box / logistic unit like me instead of total quantity ?
