Sales Price List By Customer Shipping Address


Is there a way to set up price lists by the customer's city, zip, or state? Currently I only see the Ship To Address, which is the address code, and not necessarily helpful since this doesn't reference the customers' zip, city, nor state. I'd like to be able to add a table to the list of 'Accessible Tables' to the 'Criteria' section of the SPC1 screen (Price List Setup). Is there a way to do this?

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    Hi Yanira,

    If you haven't found a solution for this, I would recommend checking with your Sage business partner to look into a customization. If you are a partner, enter a ticket with the Center of Excellence for assistance.

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    Hi Yanira,

    Is quite possible you could use the SPRICLINK adding the fields you need. In case the fields you add are not automatically filed, then you must use an entrypoint located in TRT TRTPRICE called ALIPLK:

    # P.E. pour intervenir sur le contenu des buffers SPRICLINK ou PPRICLINK

    Take care, because is used for sales & purchase, then the scrrens or variables are different. The global var GALIPLK give you more function details. I recommend to you request to Sage or Business Partner the last TRTPRICE source for better understanding.

    Case GALIPLK
    When "CRM" : Raz [F:SPK] : Gosub TRTCRM
    When "SQH" : Raz [F:SPK] : Gosub TRTSQH
    When "SOH" : Raz [F:SPK] : Gosub TRTSOH
    When "SOI" : Raz [F:SPK] : Gosub TRTSOI
    When "SDH" : Raz [F:SPK] : Gosub TRTSDH
    When "TNH" : Raz [F:SPK] : Gosub TRTTNH
    When "SDD" : Raz [F:SPK] : Gosub TRTSDD
    When "SDD1" : Raz [F:SPK] : Gosub TRTSDD1
    When "SIH" : Raz [F:SPK] : Gosub TRTSIH
    When "SPSI" : Raz [F:SPK] : Gosub TRTSPSI
    When "SCS" : Raz [F:SPK] : Gosub TRTSCS

    When "POH" : Raz [F:PPK] : Gosub TRTPOH
    When "POM" : Raz [F:PPK] : Gosub TRTPOM
    When "PSH" : Raz [F:PPK] : Gosub TRTPSH
    When "PSM" : Raz [F:PPK] : Gosub TRTPSM
    When "POI" : Raz [F:PPK] : Gosub TRTPOI
    When "POC","POV" : Raz [F:PPK] : Gosub T
    When "POD" : Raz [F:PPK] : Gosub TRTPOD
    When "PTH" : Raz [F:PPK] : Gosub TRTPTH
    When "PNH" : Raz [F:PPK] : Gosub TRTPNH
    When "PSCM" : Raz [F:PPK] : Gosub TRTPSCM
    When "PSCS" : Raz [F:PPK] : Gosub TRTPSCS
    When "FSCM" : Raz [F:PPK] : Gosub TRTFSCM
    When "FSCS" : Raz [F:PPK] : Gosub TRTFSCS
    When "SHP" : Raz [F:PPK] : Gosub TRTSHP

    I hope this help you!

    Best Regards!