Left Join with is null check


Hello Slight smile

I want to write the following SQL Query as 4 GL Link instruction:

As seen in above screenshot this returns a record. With the following Link statement I try to make this SQL in 4GL.

In 4 GL I make a left outer join and check with [F:YCFPJOB]ZDOCUPDTICK = AVOID.AINT if the column value is null. Is this not the correct way to test for is null?I don't get the record with the 4GL statement from the screenshot but in SQL I get a record.  I saw an old post which suggests using AVOID for such cases: https://www.sagecity.com/us/sage_x3/f/general-discussion/101401/4gl-how-to-outer-join

Some additional information: ZDOCUPDTICK is an integer column and YCPFJOB an abbreviation from a custom table with ZCFPJOB as a key. [ZETUP]AEXPFRM contains "[POH]ZCLFUPDTICK < [POH]UPDTICK & [POH]PRNFLG = 2 & [POH]ZPLNNUM <> ''" from a setup field.

Thank you for your help.

Best regards