How to hide a field on Supplier screen for certain Function Profiles



I want to hide Site tax ID no. field on Supplier screen to only certain function profiles. I tried creating an access code and adding it to function profiles but, access code is just preventing users to click on it. It is still visible to all the profiles. How to do I hide it to profiles?

Thanks in advance!

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    While you could hide the field via a specific script, I would suggest that you make an alternate screen layout using the page editor on the Supplier page to hide the field and assign this new layout to specific Syracuse roles or users (in V12, in the top right, click on default and then choose customize page). You would then need to go into Administration->Authoring->Customized Pages to update the default layout's access permissions to stop those users from seeing the default layout anymore.

    Editor (however over the site in the left menu and click on the mobile and desktop button options to hide the field)

    To update the permissions to the default page layout:

    Filter on representation OBPS. Click on Edit of the anonymous one and go to Variants. You will see For this Default variant, add the roles or users that see this default layout. The other role users will see your new one only with the field hidden. Similarly, if you have to add or remove roles to your custom layout, you modify your variant instead. (Note: Sage does not seem to show the default layout as a variant anymore in V12 breaking this solution)



    edit reason: Corrected representation to filter on from BPSUPPLIER (read-only page) to OBPS (classic). Also, seems that this solution no longer works correctly in V12 compared to U9 and V11)

  • 0 in reply to Andy S

    Hmmm, Switching to responsive design in V12 may have broken this solution. This did work V7-V11 so if you are on V12, this solution will likely not work

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    I think so the best way is to use CODACC on screen fields: