Expiration Dates/Product on Hold


Sage X3 is currently not looking at expiration dates for us in MRP, it will allocate items that are expired to the order. Is there a way to set up the system so that it will not use expired ingredients in the MRP? Also, looking for insight on how to place inventory on hold in Sage X3 and similarly to the above not have it allocate to the order in MRP if it is on hold. Any assistance or advice anyone can share is greatly appreciated. 

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    To exclude expired stock from the stock available and from the allocation process, you normally should use the stock status R.

    Products set with expiry date should be set with R status (EXYSTA) in the product record;

    Then you should run the FUNSTOP function as a recurring batch every day. This functon will ensure that as soon as the stock expire, the stock will be placed in R status.

    Now to care for the stock not yet expired but that will be before the due date (for work orde or sales order), then you need to ensure (setup managed in the product category) that the stock expired is not availble for the desired movement for instance here for customer delivery:

    Now to ensure the stock expired is not seen by the MRP as available, you simply need to ensure the stock in R status is not included in the starting stock:

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    for insight on how to place inventory on hold in Sage X3

    Regarding this requirement, if this is a fraction of the stock, then I would recommend you to use the R status again to exclude the related quantities from the stock available (via a stock change for instance).

    If this is the entire stock related to a product, then you can put the product status as Not usable: