Display a screen field as a searchable entry in the browser object - is it possible?


Hi there,

I have a need to display the total debit [M:HAE2]TOTDEB and total credit [M:HAE2]TOTCDT screen fields seen in the bottom left of this screen (GESGAS) in the Accounting Entries browser object (GAS) shown on the left. You can see where I've added an [M:HAE2]TOTDEB field to the GAS object, but it just displays as 0. In the screen itself, these two totals are calculated based on the lines. However, all of the values shown in the lines are stored in AMTCUR in the GACCENTRYD table. Calling it displays every value in the table without a way to separate the credits from the debits.

So I'm wondering, is it possible to display the screen fields in a browser object?

Thank you

  • +1
    verified answer

    You will not be able to load a screen field on the left list. The screen fields represents the boxes displayed on the screen, and are only populated with value AFTER you click into a record. They don't hold any value when the left list is loaded.

    To accomplished what you are looking for, you may need to write come code to return the value you want, and then call the function from the object. However, be aware that both GACCENTRY and GACCENTRYD are both big tables. Loading this on the left list could give some performance hit.