X3Services: Failed to load language for zh-CN : Error: The first argument must be of type string or an instance of Buffer, ArrayBuffer, or Array or an Array-like Object. Received undefined

Hi all,

Database server: Oracle

Language: ZH-CN (Simplified Chinese)

After installing and configuring X3Services, the xtrem service is loading for a very long time.

How do I resolve this error?

From xtrem log:


14204 | 000102 | 08:50:39.888 | INFO | xtrem-service/http | HTTP request 1 POST /metadata
14204 | 000103 | 08:50:40.190 | ERROR | xtrem-x3-sql-manager/sql | Retry: try number 1/3: Error
14204 | 000104 | 08:50:55.222 | ERROR | xtrem-x3-sql-manager/sql | Retry: try number 2/3: Error
14204 | 000105 | 08:51:10.261 | ERROR | xtrem-x3-sql-manager/sql | Retry: try number 3/3: Error
14204 | 000106 | 08:51:25.275 | ERROR | xtrem-x3-system-utils/localiza | Failed to load language for zh-CN : Error: The first argument must be of type string or an instance of Buffer, ArrayBuffer, or Array or an Array-like Object. Received undefined

The first argument must be of type string or an instance of Buffer, ArrayBuffer, or Array or an Array-like Object. Received undefined

The first argument must be of type string or an instance of Buffer, ArrayBuffer, or Array or an Array-like Object. Received undefined
at OraclePool.allocConnection (/agent/_work/1/s/x3/platform/xtrem-x3-sql/build/lib/pool.js:88:15)
at OraclePool.withConnection (/agent/_work/1/s/x3/platform/xtrem-x3-sql/build/lib/pool.js:39:21)
at XtremX3LocalizationManager.getLanguageFromLocale (/agent/_work/1/s/x3/platform/xtrem-x3-system-utils/build/lib/services/x3-localization-manager.js:35:33)
at XtremX3ServiceOptionManager.getLanguageFromLocale (/agent/_work/1/s/x3/platform/xtrem-x3-system-utils/build/lib/services/x3-service-option-manager.js:30:26)
at XtremX3ServiceOptionManager.loadCurrentLanguageCode (/agent/_work/1/s/x3/platform/xtrem-x3-system-utils/build/lib/services/x3-service-option-manager.js:37:26)
at XtremX3ServiceOptionManager.getEnabledServiceOptions (/agent/_work/1/s/x3/platform/xtrem-x3-system-utils/build/lib/services/x3-service-option-manager.js:72:9)
at Context.init (/agent/_work/1/s/platform/back-end/xtrem-core/build/lib/runtime/context.js:340:46)
at Application.withContext (/agent/_work/1/s/platform/back-end/xtrem-core/build/lib/application/application.js:571:29)
14204 | 000107 | 08:51:25.279 | ERROR | xtrem-core/application | Unhandled Rejection: Error: The first argument must be of type string or an instance of Buffer, ArrayBuffer, or Array or an Array-like Object. Received undefined

The first argument must be of type string or an instance of Buffer, ArrayBuffer, or Array or an Array-like Object. Received undefined

The first argument must be of type string or an instance of Buffer, ArrayBuffer, or Array or an Array-like Object. Received undefined

at Promise Promise {
<rejected> SystemError: The first argument must be of type string or an instance of Buffer, ArrayBuffer, or Array or an Array-like Object. Received undefined

The first argument must be of type string or an instance of Buffer, ArrayBuffer, or Array or an Array-like Object. Received undefined

The first argument must be of type string or an instance of Buffer, ArrayBuffer, or Array or an Array-like Object. Received undefined

at OraclePool.allocConnection (/agent/_work/1/s/x3/platform/xtrem-x3-sql/build/lib/pool.js:88:15)
at OraclePool.withConnection (/agent/_work/1/s/x3/platform/xtrem-x3-sql/build/lib/pool.js:39:21)
at XtremX3LocalizationManager.getLanguageFromLocale (/agent/_work/1/s/x3/platform/xtrem-x3-system-utils/build/lib/services/x3-localization-manager.js:35:33)
at XtremX3ServiceOptionManager.getLanguageFromLocale (/agent/_work/1/s/x3/platform/xtrem-x3-system-utils/build/lib/services/x3-service-option-manager.js:30:26)
at XtremX3ServiceOptionManager.loadCurrentLanguageCode (/agent/_work/1/s/x3/platform/xtrem-x3-system-utils/build/lib/services/x3-service-option-manager.js:37:26)
at XtremX3ServiceOptionManager.getEnabledServiceOptions (/agent/_work/1/s/x3/platform/xtrem-x3-system-utils/build/lib/services/x3-service-option-manager.js:72:9)
at Context.init (/agent/_work/1/s/platform/back-end/xtrem-core/build/lib/runtime/context.js:340:46)
at Application.withContext (/agent/_work/1/s/platform/back-end/xtrem-core/build/lib/application/application.js:571:29) {
innerError: undefined,
extensions: { code: 'system-error', diagnoses: [Array] }


  • 0

    Additional details:

    Recreated everything from scratch.

    invoke-webrequest returns code 200; no issues on X3Services setup.

    Sage X3 syracuse no issue to start. X3Services no issue to start.

    POST /metadata error on login to handheld. xtreem log from Syracuse node doesn't seem anything amiss.

    When testing /xtrem/explorer/, the GraphQL does not respond and load indefinitely.  No error from Chrome Developer console.

    ADMIN's role has ADCALL badge. Sage X3 has 2 ADCALL badge licensed.

    Noticed Syracuse is not on hotfix version .3.

    I have no idea how to read Oracle database. Inside the server there are like, three versions of the Oracle SQL Developer tool.

    Great Firewall of China is in effect.

  • 0 in reply to chunheng

    Additional details:

    Using Sage X3 v12p34, hotfixed Syracuse and X3Services.

    Syracuse and X3Services address are in HTTP so no issue here.

    Database version: Oracle Database 12c.

    Unsure Oracle driver version installed.

    Set Syracuse's logging for xtrem to silly mode.

    Have recreated all connection options to Oracle Database 12c and observed Syracuse and X3Services log.

    Suspecting it is a Oracle database driver issue not working with X3Services for any reason but lacking information on what is supported by X3Services.

    Sage X3 is working fine.