Sequencing monitor using local timezone rather than database local timezone to send batch query


Sage X3: v12p33

For reference:

My local timezone is UTC+8. Sage X3 also using this timezone. I have no idea how to set this from Sage X3 side.

The AWS RDS SQL Server database is at UTC+0.

Batch Server query timing seems to work based on SQL Server database timezone (which is UTC+0 in this case).

I cannot change the SQL Server database timezone as this database is required to be stored in UTC+0 timezone.

While working on a folder migration, I have observed that `Usage > Sequencing Monitor` automatically provides the migration task code with local time rather than database time like when using `Usage > Query` submission.

How do I adjust Sequencing Monitor to set timing match database time automatically?

My current workaround is to manually adjust -8 hours but it is extremely tedious to do since I need to fix timing around 90 entries.

Task code: AMOULIN4

New requests in green, completed request in black. Observe the timing difference:

  • 0

    hello  ,

    If I remember correctly, the timezone is based off of the local server time of where the connecting Runtime Server Component is installed. If you change the Local Machine's Server time for where the RT in installed, reboot the machine and reconnect to RT (which should be listed in the batch controller as well), it should adjust to that time. Note that if you have two or more RTs you would have to adjust each of them.

  • 0 in reply to chris hann

    Ok. I will probably need to do some timezone trickery on all runtime servers next time when I do the folder migration work with AWS RDS (UTC+0).

    For now, no test done yet since this is confirmed as a one-off work.

    For reference, the current setup:

    Updated the time and date, and rebooted the AWS EC2 with the Sage X3 runtime (basically, one server except the database because it is controlled by AWS RDS).

  • 0 in reply to chris hann

    Ok. I will probably need to do some timezone trickery on all runtime servers next time when I do the folder migration work with AWS RDS (UTC+0).

    For now, no test done yet since this is confirmed as a one-off work.

    For reference, the current setup:

    Updated the time and date, and rebooted the AWS EC2 with the Sage X3 runtime (basically, one server except the database because it is controlled by AWS RDS).
