SSL certificate - SAGE X3 V12

There is SSL certificate is installed on SAGE X3 V12 on port 443, and it is working well, we have also website work on IIS on the same server.

We want install SSL for it but 443 is reserved for SAGE X3.

After we checked we found that Apache use port 443 for all IPs ( on the server, so we added secondary IP for the website on IIS and

we want to modify Apache to use port 443 on specific IP address only, How we can do that?

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    Hi Yousef,

    If you're going to have 3 webservers on the same port you would need 3 IPs.

    You can use the BindIP setting in nodelocal.js to limit the IP Syracuse uses.

    You can use the Listen setting in Apache to limit the IP and port httpd listens on.

    You can use the Bind setting in IIS to limit the IP and port IIS listens on.

    You would need appropriate DNS settings for each as the FQDN would not necessarily resolve to the correct IP for each specific webserver every time.

  • Yes, it technically can be done as Carl mentioned.  Though, I would question why it is needed.  All three have the ability to use other ports and the only benefit to using 443 is to avoid specifying the port when entering the URL. Why not change the Apache and IIS services port to use other ports (i.e. 8443,8843) to avoid needing multiple DNS and secondary names on the certificate?  Apache does not need to be available outside the Application server for X3, so the port will not matter.  IIS on the other hand may need to be utilized elsewhere, but is quite happy to live at any (non-reserved) port.  Just add the new port number to the end of the URL https://myserver:8443