UoM issue stocking/selling in LBS but trying to price in NT

Trying to set up Sage X3 coming from a different ERP called Modular, currently we purchase in Net Tons , we stock and sell in LBS but when we invoice it's in NT.  I'm trying to figure out the UoM for a product I have the Stock as LBS purchase unit is NT which is fine then put sales unit to NT as well, when I create an order using this it's making a 7000 dollar order like 16 million just wondering if it's even possible.  Now my PUR-STK is 2000 , my SAL-STK is 2000 as well,

So scenario I'm doing is customer x wants 10,000 lbs of product

instead of it saying 0.123 cents a pound (already figured out the hard way no matter how much I adjust the pricing when converting from NT to LBS the sale price is off)  

For sake of this lets say material is $209.90 per NT

Is it because my SAL-STK conversion is set to 2000 and it's actually multiplying the value by 2000 times and that's why I'm getting a 1.6 million dollar order for something that should only be 7 thousand before taxes?

Is it possible to put a Negative Conversion and should it be -2000 so that it'll will divide the total weight in lbs to TN before pricing?

I'm attempting to do this without the use of Packing Unit so at the moment there isn't one