Quantity on Delivery doesn't match what was on Pick Ticket using ADC



  • We use a Preparation Plan to create a Pick Ticket with a global allocation.  We allow Suspended transactions.
  • We then pick using an ADC, which creates a detailed allocation
  • Once marked "Deliverable" we have a batch process (FUNPREDLV) that automatically creates and prints a Delivery.
  • We have this running at two different sites (110, 210), but only one site (210) is having the problem


Often, the Delivery quantity for a line doesn't match what was on the Pick Ticket -- even though the total amount was picked with the ADC.  As a result, we have to very carefully make sure shipping documents are corrected (weight and quantities) and that we invoice the correct amount. In one instance, the Delivery printed correctly, but changed when we went to validate the Delivery and invoice later that day. I can't find any correlation between products or users and this happening.


I've been unable to diagnose or replicate this in my test folder and we have suspended the use of ADCs at this site until this can be resolved.   I've exhausted everything I know to check -- Have you experienced/solved this or something similar?  My next step is likely to apply Patches 29, 30, and 31 although I've not seen any patch description that specifically describes this problem. 

X3 version 6.5 p28

  • 0

    After applying patch 31 with no resolution to my problem, I ended up changing the SHTDLV parameter (STO-->MIS) from "Only transactions with Suspended transactions" to "All Products" and this seems to have nearly eliminated the problem.  I've also got a SQL alert sending me an email whenever a pick ticket quantity is not equal to the shipment quantity.  Sometimes these are false positives, but it does allow me to act quickly if a problem does occur.

    The root of this problem seems to be trying to get the the two instances of the FUNPREDLV function to not attempt to run simultaneously.  When they collide, the allocations get stripped.  If I use a grouped task, I only have to run this 3 times/day, which is not frequent enough.  We're currently trying a script to create the grouped tasks so they run every couple of minutes.

  • 0 in reply to Glen Gillmore
    This continues to be a problem. Working with Sage on a resolution.
  • 0 in reply to Glen Gillmore
    Application of Patch PX_17906_160.dat plus some adjustments to how frequently FUNSTOWIPW runs in batch seems to have remedied my problems.