All admin user's are ERPFULL.


All admin user's are linked to the badge ERPFULL, so they lost access to the group Super Admin and therefore the access to badge ERPDEV.

How can I undo this?

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    I usually resolve this issue by changing the role key in MongoDB. To make this easier, I usually use a graphical console to view MongoDB, such as Robomongo and then change the key for the role assigned to the Super Admin group:

    Here are the steps. This is unofficial, so please backup your system!!!


    1. Download and install Robomongo:
    2. After installing, launch Robomongo and when asked to for a connection click CREATE.
    3. Accept all defaults and just click SAVE
    4. Click Connect
    5. From the view menu click EXPLORER
    6. From the left Explorer view, expand “Syracuse” and then “Collections”
    7. Find the “Role” collection and double click on it.
    8. Find and expand the ADMIN Role (in my case this is the very last role, but it may be different on your system)
    9. Copy or write down the id (when you copy, please make sure you do not copy any blank spaces)
    10. From your left Explorer window, find and double click the “Group” collection
    11. From the group list, find and expand the “Super Administrators” group.
    12. Expand the “role” section and right click on the value
    13. Select “Edit Document”
    14. Scroll down until you see the “Role” area
    15. Enter the complete key you found in step 9
    16. When ready save the settings.
    17. Try your admin user now.


    Hope this helps.