
Stock Valuation Method Change

Posted By FormerMember

Good afternoon,

Has anyone made a change to the stock valuation method after initial go live?  We have a customer who has been live for almost a year now, and they want to change from FIFO to Standard cost valuation.  Has anyone had experience with this?

Thank you!

  • FormerMember
    0 FormerMember
    Just wanted to bump this to see if anyone had any input. Thank you!
  • 0
    I am currently working on this topic but i do not have a complete conclusion yet.
    What I suggest though, is the following idea :
    1) Capture a snapshot of your inventory
    2) Put your inventory to 0 with a miscellaneous movement
    3) Make sure your accounting value is 0
    4) Change the valuation method
    5) Create miscellaneous entries according to the snapshot stock quantity
    Do you think this idea can work ?