Fiscal Year instead of Calendar Year in reports

We are trying to create sales reports using a Fiscal Year.  I can use the between-date feature to give me the actual dates (Dec - Nov).  However, the periods follow the calendar year and not our fiscal year.   How do I make it utilize fiscal year instead?

Also if there are no sales in a particular month it just doesn't show that period is there a way to make it have zeros for the customers that month to show no sales?

Thanks in advance,


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    Not sure I understand your 2nd paragraph request , however I've tackled the subject of Fiscal year with adding a calculated column set as type Dimension data on your data model of choice (either based on SORDERx tables or OLAP cube) 

    For example - our fiscal is between October and September 

    Here's the argument for TSQL ,but it should work with other SQL revisions

    CASE WHEN MONTH(<Your order Date field>) BETWEEN 1 AND 9 THEN YEAR(<Your order Date field>) ELSE YEAR(<Your order Date field>)+1 END

    So assuming you want to display and/or filter Fiscal year 2024 , it will show all orders in which CREDAT_0 (or the date dimension of your choice) >= 09.01.2023 without any null (empty) measurement since the data is calculated on the fly and not hardcoded as part as the OLAP loading.