• Subscription renewal

    Why is manual EFT no longer an option for payment of subscription fees? Our company doesn't have credit cards and our business banking blocks instant EFT payments. I've tried contacting cloud renewals, but even after multiple emails over the last 8 days…
  • SBC Bundle 2&3 plan

    Good evening. Please, why is the Sage Bundle plan deactivated for Nigerian clients? This is making subscription overly expensive for clients with two or more companies and multi-currency add-ons. The cost of SBC Subscription is relatively too high…
  • Yearly Subscription

    Hi, I paid for an yearly subscription in March 2022 which was to run to March 2023. However, my account say the registration is expired and i cannot access my data. The yearly subscription has not been effected yet. I have tried to contact Sage…
  • Recurring payments & OTP issues - can't renew our subscription

    Dear Sage, Our recurring payments on the monthly subscription stopped processing. We suspect this happened when Sage SA servers were down during Feb 2021. We are unsuccessful with the VISA payment option, as the OTP is never sent through, or the…
  • Consultancy

    Please advice for a reputable consultant company in Zambia for sage installing and trainings ASAP.
  • Correct Account Allocations / Usage of Subscriptions and Dues

    Hi there We are a services business the marketing space with a podcast. We therefore have a lot of subscriptions related to content distribution. I am not sure whether these should fall under Dues and Subscriptions, Computer and Internet, or Marketing…