Under our testing Site, we have two users. One works fine, the other ([email protected]) is stuck in Failed status. I can't seem to remove him or add another user.
Under our testing Site, we have two users. One works fine, the other ([email protected]) is stuck in Failed status. I can't seem to remove him or add another user.
Can you check that the virtual machine is running? it seems that one of the reasons the operation does not complete is if the VM is unavailable.
yes - I am logged in right now
Thanks.. i found the error in the logs... now I'm trying to determine the actual cause.
Can you reset the process? If not, I can do that for you
Thanks.. i found the error in the logs... now I'm trying to determine the actual cause.
Can you reset the process? If not, I can do that for you
I'm not sure how to do that - can you send me instructions? Or if it's easier for you to do it that would be great, thanks.
I'll do it now and see if it corrects itself. And then I'll send info for you on how to do that. It all depends if your user role is able to see the reset process image to select it.
The update user assignement process completed, but it still takes time for the information to register with the provisioning portal. So hopefully with in 5 - 15 minutes, you user will be active.
It completed, you are good to go.
I'll send the how to reset process as soon as i can.
thanks - it's showing as active now so I'll have Jim give it a test
FYI, most likely the cause of the issue occurs when SPP web api site is unavailable to accept requests due to restart or deployments. This should not happen in a production environment.
How to Reset Process:
From the site, select the processes icon:
If you have a role that allows you to reset the process, you will see a very small icon next to the status of the job.
Click on the icon to reset the process.
I apologize for the very small image... i couldn't seem to get this reply to accept any bigger.
*Community Hub is the new name for Sage City