• Creating AR Aging in Sage Intelligence Sage 100 Advanced

    We need a multi company Aging Report and want to create it in Sage Intelligence reporting. I am assuming I cannot use the A/R Aging work file as it only works when run in Providex. Right? I did try that file in SI and came up with no data. I am not surprised…
  • Sage 100 2023 SQL queries not running in custom web app

    Hello folks, We are starting the process of upgrading from an older version of MAS 90 which ran on Providex to 2023 Premium. There are a number of custom apps that we've developed over the years to run with our MAS data and they all used the MAS ODBC…
  • How to add a today's date filter to a Visual Integrator Job?

    Hi, I am trying to export transactions out of sage 100 through a VI with a filter on date updated set it to today. I used different functions such as {DAY}, {DATE}, {TODAY} and DATE$. Unfortunately all my methods failed in using the system date as the…
  • SQL statement in VI job linking to SOTAMAS90 as source file

    I am using SOTAMAS90 as my source in an import and I need to sort the records before importing (AR_InvoiceHistoryHeader and I want to sort in InvoiceDate order, ascending). How can I add that to the SQL statement? Thanks!
  • Visual Integrator SQL syntax

    Hi there! I hope you're all doing well. I'm attempting to modify the SQL query of an ODBC Import Job, but it crashes when I press the Test button. I'd like to know if there's a resource where I can find the exact syntax of SQL required for VI Jobs…
  • Invalid expression when in advanced logic filter

    I'm trying to create an advanced logic filter that will only capture a few specific customers. With the operand's available I've tried just about every way I can think of including all 20 of the companies. Does anyone have any examples for formatting…
  • UDT in AP Invoice detail

    I've created a UDT in AP. Populated the data and then created a UDF in AP Invoice Detail. The Code field appears from the table but i cannot select it. what needs to be changed? UDT AP Invoice Detail UDF in AP Thanks for your assistance…
  • Get Handle for UI Object from a custom panel

    I have a request to add an "options" button that will open a custom dialog box with various button scripts performing different functions. One in particular is hiding some elements on-screen for what I suppose is to sanitize some information for screen…
  • AND & OR's in VI Select

    I want to have a select condition for a VI job for Active customers that have been modified or created today (to be run each evening) For the select fields, would something like this be ok? Since there are no Parentheses, I wanted to confirm. What I am…
  • Creating a Time UDF with Default Value

    Sage has built-in support for storing dates in a UDF by simply changing the "Data Type" to "Date". Then under default value, "<SystemDate>" to allow the date to be immediately filled upon new record creation. Did they forget that dates are usually paired…
  • Daily Cycle Counts using Sage Alerts

    We have racks/shelves labeled (for example) C01-01, C01-02, C02-01, C02-02, C02-03, etc. (C is the aisle, C01 is the rack, and C01-01 is the shelf.) For our inventory to be more accurate, we've implemented daily cycle counts using Sage Alerts. We…
  • How to script an AP division number restriction in Invoice Data Entry?

    I need to restrict certain divisions from use in AP Invoice Data Entry for certain roles. The division restriction is the challenge. One cannot use a Pre or Post Validate script on the VendorNo field as would be done in S/O with CustomerNo. Since VendorNo…
  • color SO Header Customer# defined by AR_Customer Type

    Trying to color the SO header customer# field if the customer type fall = specific value. I appreciate if you can help. Ctype = "" retVal = oBusObj.GetValue("CustomerType$", Ctype) If Ctype = "SDIS" then Set myUIObj = oSession.AsObject(oScript…
  • Bill of Materials Option Interaction SQL Query

    Hi All, Just curious if anyone has ever created an SQL query to match up a Sales Order Line's selected bill options with any records in the BM_OptionInteractionHeader that would apply to that combination of selected options. Trying to wrap my head around…
  • Adding Columns to Transfers in Transaction Entry

    Is there a way to make hidden columns by Transaction Entry type show in transaction types they don't typically? And be editable? For example, the Unit Cost / Price definition in the Sage Help has this note: " The transaction type selected in the Transaction…
  • SQL Views

    I got a script to timestamp when a udf is updated, now I am trying to create a view in the SQL DB to display on an excel sheet of what SalesOrders have been updated today. Is there something specific with Sage on not being able to create a "view" through…
  • Customer Maint display bill to on sold to main screen

    Does anyone know if you can display the billto customer # in the main screen in customer maintenance on the sold to?
  • Possible to change text color of a locked UDF?

    Is it possible to have a locked UDF field display its contents in red, possibly via a DFDM property change? I've attempted (without success thus far) to update the color via the DFDM Nomads_Color property to 01FF which appears to be the hex code for…
  • Add a Custom UDF for Inventory Price Change

    Does anyone know if you can add a UDF field in Inventory Maintenance that shows the date of the last price change?
  • Permanently Enable Button on UI

    I have a button script located on a Cash Receipts Entry screen. Sage disables it by default until a customer number has been entered. The purpose of the button is to assist the user with locating the customer number, so this doesn't work for our use-case…
  • customized panel

    if an employee has a customized panel (which overrides the all user panel ) how can we return the customized panel back to the all user version? we had an employee accidently create a customized panel and it is not correct how can I get her back to…
  • Button Script to Add Comment Line to GD_Lines Table in SO Invoice Data Entry

    From the Payment tab in SO Invoice Data Entry I have added a button with the caption "CC Receipt". Upon a user clicking this button I would like a comment (Item code /C) added to the next line number with details from the credit card. First I actually…
  • Batch Status always Blank

    In GL_CompanyActiveBatch it appears the batch status field is always blank. Trying to write a Sage Alert that filters out any batch "in use". Is it even possible? Sage 100 v2021. Thanks.
  • SO Invoice Data Entry: Button Script to get Invoice No from an SO No

    I have added a button script to the SO Invoice Data Entry MAIN panel and was wanting to make looking up an invoice that has already been batched a little quicker. Essentially, instead of the user typing the invoice # they would type the sales order…
  • All "lookup" windows Sage 2022

    We recently upgraded to Sage 2022.1 and one of my employees was frustrated because every time she resized columns in the Sales Order lookup window, they would revert back - even after creating a custom view. I tested it on a few other lookup windows…