Adjusting Inventory


Hello what is the best way to make an adjustment to inventory without taking hit on the money side...

I have an item that shows 2 in stock but there is nothing on hand and hasn't been for years. I need to bring inventory to 0 count but not take a hit financially. 


Parents Reply
  • +1 in reply to Bob@TED
    verified answer

    DFDM is for corrections, not bypassing accounting rules (which auditors would not like at all). Your question is basically asking "is it OK if I corrupt my data, purposefully?".  No.  Don't do that.  We get a lot of questions about how to fix $'s on inventory reports, without QoH (which is something that happened in older versions... Sage has since fixed that bug).

    Process the transaction normally, and do a Journal Entry to move the $'s to a different GL account if you really want. 
