Bank Reconciliation - Attempt to change disabled field 'Transaction Date'.


i am using Sage 300 2020.3 and have been trying to import a list of cheques into the bank reconcilaition function to reconcile cheques and have the reconciliation date show up as when they actually cleared the account.  this isn't something new for us as i have done so with some of the other databases, however, with this one company, i am getting this error message.  i have tried a variety of different methods to include/exclude the columns TOCLEAR, POSTDATE, REVDATE, etc...which strayed away from the excel import that had been working from another company.  

can anyone either me a the barebone template needed to have the cheque transactions marked as reconciled OR some direction on what I can change to make this happen.

  • +1
    verified answer

    Just to clarify, are you importing cheques into Accounts Payable, which end up in the Bank module for clearing, or are you importing Bank Entry Withdrawals directly into the Bank as there isn't a way to import cheques directly into the bank per se?  If its definitely an A/P Payment (Cheque) import, make sure you're importing into into an A/P Payment Batch not into the Bank Reconciliation.  Cheers

  • 0 in reply to Accsys Consulting AU

    so to clarify, i am importing the status changes for AP checks into the bank reconciliation module.  these  are payments that have already been posted in the AP module.  

  • +1 in reply to sccheng888
    verified answer

    Wow OK that's something I've never thought of doing before!  I can understand the business case for it if dealing with a large volume of reconciliation items.  I did an export from a Bank Rec and noted all my POSTDATE fields are blank which makes sense as the Bank Reconciliation shouldn't be posted yet if you're trying to clear transactions.  Perhaps the error message is inaccurate - try importing again without the POSTDATE columns and see if that resolves it.  Aside from that unfortunately I don't have knowledge of this import to help.  Maybe someone else will chime in.  Good luck!

  • +1 in reply to sccheng888
    verified answer

    Wow OK that's something I've never thought of doing before!  I can understand the business case for it if dealing with a large volume of reconciliation items.  I did an export from a Bank Rec and noted all my POSTDATE fields are blank which makes sense as the Bank Reconciliation shouldn't be posted yet if you're trying to clear transactions.  Perhaps the error message is inaccurate - try importing again without the POSTDATE columns and see if that resolves it.  Aside from that unfortunately I don't have knowledge of this import to help.  Maybe someone else will chime in.  Good luck!
