• Why can't I edit a takoff? No one else is currently editing it and the lock edit box is not checked.

    We have three takeoffs in our system right now. I'm currently only able to edit one of them. The others I can open and look at, but not edit.
  • Discount

    When I entering payments and one of my invoices has a discount, the discount amount should be on the discount column and the paid amount is the total of the invoice? or the paid amount has to be minus the discount?
  • Use Tax

    Good Morning, our company just join Sage 100 Contractor a few months ago and we're struggling to do our jobs. I want to know where we can download Use Sales Tax report, if there is any?
  • Error when trying to use 5-4-1 (Payroll Federal Forms)

    Error says; GOAATRIX.EXE-ENTRY POINT NOT FOUND The procedure entry point ?GetW2Box12TaxType@TaxTable@Aatric@@YAHPBD Andrew Z Z could not be locatated in the dynamic link library C:\Program Files (x86)/Aatrix Software/Aatric forms/SMB/GoAatrix…
  • payroll calculation - Sage 100 - regular & OT hours only

    I need a payroll calculation for an employee deduction for "working dues" - this is a percentage of gross wages on regular hours worked and OT hours worked only. I need to exclude vacation or holiday pay. Does anyone have an example of the set up for…
  • Paygroup Benefits

    I am trying to setup paygroups for prevailing wage jobs and am having issues with the benefits. All of our benefits use the calculation method 11-per pay period but, that one doesn't work with paygroups. Does anybody have a suggestion on what calculation…
  • Charge profit on some labor but not others

    We use Sage 100 Contractor and bill Cost plus (T&M). We have always charged a "profit" percentage on Cost Type 2 - Labor, which is easily done in 3-10-1. But now, we want to remove the "profit" percentage on some of our labor, but not all, based on…
  • Sage Fed calculations off by $.01 from payroll company

    I am having an issue with my Sage payroll records calculations being $01 off from my direct deposit payroll company. This is only for Fed tax. Is there anyway to adjust this so it does the calculation automatic or do I have to manually over-ride it…
  • State Income Tax

    How do you eliminate State Income Tax from the Calculations? Our State eliminated the Income Tax many years ago, although politicians spent hundreds of billions of dollars and now want to re-institute it. Sage automatically creates State Income Tax…
  • How to set up an employee's withholdings to exempt in sage 100 contractor?

    I am trying to mark an employee exempt from withholding as requested in Sage 100 contractor, but I do not see a checkbox option to make this change. Is there any other way to do this? Thanks in advance!
  • Looking for recommendations on tracking absences in 5-2-2

    Hello! Has anyone found a way to notate an absence that would not require a pay type or pay rate? We have used the absence column if an employee is absent and using vacation or sick time and that has worked well. However, it's not uncommon for one of…
  • Payroll

    When I enter my employee's time it isn't doing any of the calculation, what am I doing wrong?
  • Illinois PFML

    Does anyone know if Sage will be doing an update for the new paid time off in the state of Illinois like the Federal sick leave?
  • Payroll

    Has anyone had problems with the state withholding not deducting the additional amount that is entered on the calculation tab in the Add W/H tab? I've also tried changing the marital status to see if this would calculate a different rate and it stays…
  • Retention doesn't include tax in calculation.

    In Progress Billing if a job is taxable Sage calculates taxes correctly but does not include them in the retention calculation. It calculates 10% of the base rate only. For these taxable jobs I have to create an Excel of the pay app to send to the client…
  • Retention for Subcontractors

    Asked two years ago and didn't get any replies - When releasing retention on a job, the AR module allows you to update the due date for invoices. This allows you to run aging reports with the retention showing in the correct column. However, when…
  • How to issue a zero dollar payroll check for in-kind bonus

    I am distributing a company-owned vehicle to an employee as an in-kind bonus, and I need to understand how to run that through payroll to calculate taxes, etc. and end up with a zero-dollar payroll bonus check.
  • AR Due Dates

    Hello, I wanted to see if anyone had a work around for this issue related to retention and invoice due dates. Example: We have progress billing for November outstanding that has not been paid. In December, we are 100% complete with the job and…
  • Takeoff template is adding sales tax district to some line items. Where is it coming from?

    Its only a template not a job, so not from job. Not from parts.
  • Sage contractors 100 - releasing holdbacks

    Hello there. I am new to sage 100 contractors edition. I am trying to release and bill for a holdback. For some reason it is not calculating the HST (we are in NB Canada) Is there just something I am missing? Thanks in advance for any help
  • Check Payroll Calculations

    Since the move to the newest update, none of the paychecks I've printed show any itemized calculations whatsoever. Has anyone else seen this problem? Is there a quick/easy way to fix this?
  • Payro

  • Accruing Vacation in Sage 100 Contractor US

    I found instructions for setting up a vacation pay accrual for 100 Contractor/Canada. Can these be used for the US version as well? Right now our vacation accrual is on hitting the jobs nor the liability accounts, just in the employees calculations…
  • CPP calculating incorrectly for 2024 payrolls

    I've checked on 5 different databases/servers/installs and none of them are calculating the exempt amount from the CPP. I have checked it against the CRA payroll calculator and my manual calculations. The workaround for now was to change the cheque…
  • Missing Deductions on 1 employee Direct Deposit Stub

    i have one employee who her deductions are not showing on the DD print out. It is all calculated in Sage but she is the only one. Nothing has changed for her we do a weekly payroll and all else is fine. Has anyone else encountered that problem?